Nicole Kovalevsky

Dr. Nicole Kovalevsky, OTR/L, OTD

Nicole Kovalevsky holds a professional license as an OTR/L and has earned a Doctorate in Occupational Therapy (OTD) from Rush University. Her academic background and licensing indicate a solid foundation in the field of occupational therapy, equipped with the knowledge and skills required for her role.

Nicole’s practice is guided by core values that include honesty, altruism, and loyalty. These principles are central to her approach to occupational therapy, shaping her interactions with clients and colleagues. Honesty in her practice fosters a transparent environment, altruism reflects her commitment to the well-being of her clients, and loyalty underscores her dedication to the profession.

Away from her professional life, Nicole engages in several personal interests. She practices yoga, which aligns with her emphasis on physical and mental wellness. Yoga not only serves as a personal hobby but also complements her professional understanding of physical health.

Family is a significant part of Nicole’s life. She values spending time with her loved ones, emphasizing the importance of a supportive family environment. This aspect of her life underlines her understanding of the role family plays in overall well-being.

Travel is another interest of Nicole’s, allowing her to explore new cultures and places. These experiences contribute to her personal growth and broaden her perspective, which can be valuable in understanding and relating to a diverse client base.